The Ballard Labs for Social Impact

Collaborating at BYU to Care for Those in Need.

Ballard Labs exists to discover, develop, demonstrate, and disseminate more effective ways in which people can care for those in need. It is a pathfinder in new ways of fulfilling the two Great Commandments: love God and love thy neighbor. It will do this by engaging in real social impact projects, focusing on the needs of real people in real need. Student employees will become social impact leaders by forgetting themselves and focusing on others.

Andean Poverty Lab

Researching how the quality and quantity of water resources are impacting vulnerable communities in the Bolivian Altiplano.

Great Salt Lake Lab

Finding solutions to the declining water table of the largest saline lake in the West.

Black Diaspora Performance Lab

Promoting belonging for black students at BYU through the performing arts.

Homelessness in Utah Lab

Working to solve the pressing needs of the people of Utah who lack adequate shelter.

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